metaphors on the mind

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What if people reading your profile page was like flies on a carcass?

audible buzzing, constant unpredictable movement, negative connotation, lingering, movement could signify on-screen mouse behavior.

What if your permanent online information behaved like a shadow?

always behind you, shape shifting, notice others more than yours, in and out of visibility.

What if your permanent online information hovered above you like a cloud?

different conditional states, sometimes audible, shape shifting, cyclical (evaporation), brings down elements of the past (rain), can be heard and not seen, varying distances from you.

What if your risky patterns of online behavior were revealed through throat clearing?

disruptive, visceral, anthropomorphic, can be exaggerated for humorous affect, alarming, hint, audible.

What if the susceptibility of your future self behaved like a talking conscience?

preoccupation, dialogue, surprising, dichotomy, private, expert data, decision making, custom.