INITIATION TO _______. v1

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Our project is to initiate a community into something of our choice. My community is an amateur radio society located in the RTP area. In my first attempt I made a poster initiating them to universal signals of distress. After critique yesterday I came away with a lot of great feedback to use in my second attempt.

These are the questions I need to ask myself on my second go around:

  • How can I make the process more immersive?
  • How can the signals be instructional/in-depth and make people want to remember/do?
  • How can I speak "through" the community and not "at" them?
  • How can I use the visual rhetoric that is dominant on the typography (ie: call signs) to speak more directly to the community?
  • What fonts, symbols and formats am I choosing that would feel most "authentic"?

  • I was also surprised to be approached after critique by someone in my class who is a certified amateur radio operator and I got a lot of great feedback from him! I can't wait to see where this one will go in the week to come.



    I love reading about your projects... I'm so proud of you Misses Grad School Design Diva Rodriguez :) You really need to stop though. It makes me think about grad school !!!!
    Miss you and I can't wait to make a trip to see you. Really, I'm so excited for all of the things you are learning :)))))))

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