Project Feedback

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I had the opportunity to show my final project to the sophomore design studio. The students range from 19-22 years old, so they are emblematic of the 18-24 year old demographic group I am designing for. I was anxious about how this audience would respond to a potentially annoying tool (that encourages you think about the information you post) being integrated into their social networking site. While I expected friction from students, the results were unbelievable.

I gave the students a survey before I showed my project, to get some baseline feelings/demographic data, and a survey after I presented my interactive prototypes. Below are some screenshots from the second survey.

Every single person in the class would adopt fb-minder now or in the future! Unbelievable. And while they enjoyed the added transparency to their social interactions, the students also saw the value in being conscious about information they output. I also got some new ideas for what fb-minder could do that I hadn't thought of before. While I know that a survey of 14 people does not prove that my system actually works, it was gratifying to get this kind of feedback at the end of my final project. What better way to finish graduate school...